The Billings Gazette from Billings, Montana (2024)

2C Wednesday, December 11, 2002 Eating smart can bring joy during the holiday season i Dayle Hayes NUTRITION NEWS wanted to take his parents there to eat, and wondered if it would affect high cholesterol Or would it be a good alternative to other restaurants? SK, Billings My first answer to both questions is try the new Mustard Seed at the corner of 15th Street West and Grand Avenue (259-1400). The just-opened cousin of the Mustard Seed in Missoula is billed as a "fast and fresh Asian grill." In terms of finding soy options in restaurants, this is probably your best bet in Billings right now. According to owner Kevin Odenthal, any dish in the restaurant can be made with tofu (aJca. fermented soy bean curd). From the take out menu, it looks like you could enjoy anything from General Mustard's Tofu to Asian Seared Cashew Tofu.

The concept is simple at the Billings Mustard Seed: You order and pay for your meal as you enter, then the chefs (in a completely open kitchen and grill), prepare it to your specifications (spici-ness, vegetarian or meat, This ability to "personalize" a dish makes it a good option for people, including parents, with special diets as long as they like Asian food. Most Asian restaurants offer at least a few dishes made with tofu and other soyfoods. For example, at the Siam Thai (652-4315) you can order Krapao Tofu stir-fried tofu in chili garlic sauce with basil leaves while Jade Palace (656-888) features Sweet and Sour Tofu and Buddha's Delight tofu with fresh vegetables in a light brown sauce. The reader is correct that many "veggie burgers" do not contain soy. This is the case at Red Robin and at Burger King.

The ingredient list for the new BK Veggie Burger Patty starts with: mushrooms, water chestnuts, cooked brown rice, textured wheat protein, rolled oats, vital wheat gluten, frozen onions, corn oil, frozen carrots, potato starch, frozen Eating well during the hustle and bustle or frantic chaos of the holiday season is no easy task. Seasonal treats seem to beckon from every table and counter top. Between shopping, partying and traveling, there's hardly time to breathe, much less plan healthy meals. This week's column has three "courses" designed to help you eat well throughout the holidays. First, since this is the time of "comfort and joy," there is a discussion of holiday comfort food.

A hot tip follows this, on where to find everything you wanted to know about holiday cooking online. Finally, since hectic schedules often mean more restaurant meals, I'll answer a couple of reader's questions about eating healthfully when you're eating away from home. Comfort foods Since the tragedies of Sept. 11, our world has felt less secure and more frightening. Threats of terrorism and war fill news headlines and broadcasts.

As we face the uncertainty of the future, cooking and eating together are among the simple things that can bring comfort and joy to our homes. Nourishment, health, communication and stronger family bonds can be as close as our kitchens and our dining rooms. Here are a few reassuring ways to make food and nutrition a central part of your holiday season. Cook together. Preparing food is a loving way to share time and to bring generations together.

Talking while you measure, mix, stir and chop can be a non-threatening time to discuss important issues and concerns. Kneading bread together can be a downright therapeutic experience. Eat together. Make family meals a green peppers and frozen red peppers but no soy. Another possible way to enjoy soy is in an espresso drink.

In coffee shops around the country, soy lattes are becoming increasingly popular. Soy is available at the local Starbucks (in Albertsons on Grand and Rehberg), but not yet at Mountain Mudd. The server in their drive-thru told me that it was under discussion and that if more customers asked for soy, it would probably show up on the menu Here's a few other quick tips for eating well when you are eating out any time of year If you follow a special diet for medical reasons, ask the restaurant what they can do to meet your needs. Most are pleased to adapt one of their menu items or sometimes to create something just for you. To make sure, call ahead and discuss the possibilities.

If you eat regularly at a specific chain restaurant, check out the menu online. All fast food restaurants have complete nutrition information on their Web sites. You can also visit the Fast Food Guide section of the 3 Fat Chicks Web site at www3fatchicks.comfast-food which features nutrition info from Applebee's to What a Burger. Wherever you eat these days, the portion sizes are bound to be super size. You know the ways around this: Order an appetizer portion instead of an entree; share an entree with a friend; or just eat half and take the rest home for another meal Registered dietitian Dayle Hayes is a nutritionist with a mission: To help busy people discover easy ways to enjoy delicious nutrition at every meal.

As a consultant to Deaconess Billings Clinic and Eat Right Montana, she specializes in eating disorders, sports nutrition and healthy solutions for hectic lives. Contact her at 655-9082 or EatRightMT2000aoLcom. By joining with others around a table, you can take comfort from the blessings of nourishing food and loving companionship. Tips for holiday food, nutrition Thanks to the University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension Service, one click is all it takes to connect to a fantastic online resource for holiday eating. Surf on over to its site at lancaster.unLedufoodciqjJitm.1 guarantee you'll be glad you did.

Alice Henneman, extension educator for University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, has created an outstanding list of seasonal food and nutrition Web sites. This is definitely the to-go place for: Holiday baking tips like how to bake-ahead successfully. Emergency ingredient substitutions when you can't get to the store. CAN-do info all about quick canned food recipes and can size equivalents. Food safety checklists, easy ways to avoid making your guests ilL Time-saving tools which also make great gifts ideas.

Finding fresh, fast and healthy. Two recent questions from readers focused on similar restaurants, so I will answer them both at the same time. Since so many of us rarely eat at home, what do you see as soy infused meals away from home? Except for Chinese offerings, I am not aware of soy options. The veggie burger at Red Robin is not soy as I understand. Thank you soy much! LW, Billings A co-worker was curious about the nutritional content of the sauces at stir-fry restaurants, such as Mongolian Grill here in Billings.

He real priority as often as you can. If you live alone, reach out to family, friends or co-workers and break bread together. Eat together at home, eat together at restaurants or eat together at work. Take a break from television. Even in normal times, television makes it hard to enjoy food.

Repetitive images of terror, violence and destruction around the world can literally make us sick to our stomachs. Take a break from the news and focus on the tastes, smells and textures of food. Return to rituals. Famines have many rituals for meals prayers, a moment of silence, joining of hands, candles or other festive touches such as flowers and special dishes. Making family rituals part of everyday meals ties us to memories of the past and to hope for the future.

Take time to share. Slow down and share food, fellowship, memories, tears, laughter and the joy of time together. Even small children can learn to take part in conversations at mealtimes. Give everyone time to share what is important to him or her. Invite others to join you for a meal.

A sense of community is one of the strongest ways to celebrate the special meaning of the holidays in our lives. Hula fitness catches on with seniors te arc Winter weather doesn't have to mean dry skin er feel substantial?" Carlino asks. "Substantial and greasy are not the same thing. You don't want to be greasy." Drink eight 8 -ounce glasses of water a day. "If you eat enough veggies and 1 By CRYSTAL DEMPSEY Knight Ridder News Winter weather has just descended, and you're already piling on the lotions and creams because your dry skin feels three sizes too small.

Don't just blame the cooler temperatures. Dry heat, pollution, smoking and sun ft "i vV-ri ti, fruits, you may not need that much," says PennisL Also, avoid caffeine, which is diuretic. Set your home thermostat at 68 degrees. "You'll the relative humidi damage are also moisture leeches. 2 1 i Relief is possible and easier than you think, say two experts.

Cristina Carlino, founder ty in your home by 10 percent" says PennisL Buy a cool-air room humidifier. Or have one Knight Ridder photo Nell Spettel, front center, leads a hula dancing class at the Gallops Senior Center In Columbus, Ga. Following along from left are Eva Chappelle, Irene Schult, Jeanette Lumpkins, and Rebecca Kissel. of the Philosophy skin- installed with your furnace. carecosmetics line, and The cooler the air, the more By LARRY GIERER Knight Ridder News COLUMBUS, Ga.

The worst thing you can do is bounce. Bouncing, Nell Spettel explains, makes you look like a hootchy-kootchy dancer. When you're old enough to be a member at the Gallops Senior Center, that's not how you want to look. "Keep your head level, keep those knees bent," Spettel instructs her hula students, "or you will bounce." As ukulele music plays in the background, she barks out other commands. "Stick out your hip and back, sway and hug yourself, take a step and push with the right heeL keep your eyes on die hands, slide left and turn then slide right and turn, let it flow with no jerking." The music stops.

"This is more work than it looks," laughs Irene Schult as she wipes perspiration from her brow. But a workout is one of the big benefits of learning the dances, the ladies say. It's no secret that seniors need physical activity to build muscular strength, maintain flexibility, improve aerobic capacity, reduce the risk of high blood pressure and control weight Dancing has long been thought of as a good way to get the needed exertioa "This is a lot more fun than running," Schult says. Exercise is said to delay the aging process and to see Spettel, 79, get around, you've got to figure there's some truth to that "I first learned the hula when my husband was stationed in Hawaii from 1963-1966," Spettel says. "I fell in love with it" And now she performs hula at numerous civic functions.

It helped her earn the chance to represent Columbus and the Chattahoochee Valley in the Ms. Senior Georgia Pageant The free class she leads at Gallops meets on Wednesdays. "If not only the physical aspect of it that's great" says Rebecca KisseL "It's all so beautiful. When I'm dancing there is nothing nega Stephen PennisL director of moisture," he says. the Lanacane Itch In vehicles, don't point the air vents directly on you.

"Crack the window to keep moist air circulating," says PennisL Information Center, shared -these tips for tending to dry skin: Remove dead skin with a scrub, loofah or body brush. "I'm highly in favor of exfoliation more often and way less aggressively," Carlino says. "It doesn't make sense to put nice, expensive creams on a layer of dead skin. Even a washcloth is better than using your hand." Exfoliate for 30 to 60 seconds, and then rinse. Change your moisturizer.

If you favor a product line, ask for a creamier or emollient version for fall and winter. "Does the moisturiz- mouth to represent eating or pull arms back and forth as though casting a fishing net They clap their hands and shake their hips. They tug at their dresses. The women are then slightly out of breath after dancing to numbers such as "Little Brown GirL" "I love that one," says KisseL "I think I'm getting it down," says a pleased Schult after going through the song for a third time. The flow during the dance must stay consistent "Don't stop," Spettel says to Schult during one dance.

"Just pick up some place and pretend it's the other person who messed up." After the dance is over, she takes Schult's arms and shows her the proper way to move them during the dance. "Don't let your arms block your face," Spettel tells Schult, "that's the prettiest part" There is one instruction Spettel gives con-standy that really isn't needed "Always," she tells them, "smile" five in my world. There are no snipers. There are no elections. It is a great stress reducer." Kissel calls it "tai chi with music" "It is wonderful therapy," adds Spettel, "if that's what you want" Spettel says that doing the hula she uses 10 basic steps is, indeed, exercise for the mind.

"Your brain is even moving when you're dancing," she says, smiling. "It's like trying to rub the top of your head and your belly at the same time but more. You have to concentrate on the dance steps plus concentrate on the arm and hand movements and also pay attention to the singer because your hand movements are telling the story that he's singing." Every hand movement is meaningful. A wiggle of the fingers signifies rain, a bringing of the arms over the head represents the moon As the women slide back and forth over the tile floor in their bare feet they don't wear grass skirts at class they bring their hands to the Avoid harsh cleansers and soaps, which strip skin of its sebum, the oil on the surface of the skin. Use a mild cleansing bar or body wash that's free of detergents, soap and fragrances.

Pennisi recommends Dove Beauty Bar. Avoid long hot showers and hot baths. "These strip skin of its natural oils," Pennisi says. "If you have dry skin, you're prolonging agony." Instead, take quick showers with the water as cool as you can stand it Therapy Continued from 1C NOW HIRING INQUIRE WITHIN 2456 CENTRAL AVE. AT THE RIMROCK MALL STADIUM SEATING discover things about ourselves with witnesses, it is very powerful People inspire each other in the group.

It can deepen the experience." But with more witnesses come more tastes, and as they say, everyone's a critic. So what happens when someone simply dislikes a particular film? "That's always a case," admits Wolz. "One person didn't like 'Forrest It's more about being moved that can also be in a negative way. We can learn from what we don't want to look at in life, and that can be very valuable." Still, Wolz says she tries to steer the conversation away from critiques. At the first session she establishes guidelines that include a gentle reminder about respecting others' opinions.

But for those who don't work well with others, Wolz says, you can use similar methods from your own couch. switched careers late in the game from economist to psychotherapist after recovering from a debilitating stroke. "Sometimes we lose hope or worry how things are going to continue a movie like that reminds us to really follow these dreams." Some critics might argue that we do this already when we grab a rental copy of "Terms of Endearment" or "Erin Brockovich." True, says Wolz, but cinema therapy requires the movie viewer to take a more active role and consciously observe how the "reel" life reflects the "real" life. Take "Groundhog Day," again. On the surface, the 1993 film is an absurdist romp with Murray's sarcastic, narcissistic character Phil trapped in the same endless day.

Phil is initially bitter and negative. As one token parochial character puts it, referring to his half-drunk glass of beer, "I bet you he is a 'the glass is half empty' kind of guy. Am I right?" "First he was his old self, hitting the wall, and then something shifted and he tried to use it in a way that benefits him," Wolz says. "Then finally, he surrenders and tries to make the best of it, and discovers his true self." When Wolz asked members what they would do to enrich their lives if they were "stuck" like PhiL one participant used it as way to make a change in her repetitive daily schedule. Wolz admits not everyone is ready for "action," but at the very least the therapy gets people thinking and talking about questions they either couldn't talk about or weren't even aware were there.

Tve used movies in individual settings, but for me the inspiration came when I led groups," Wolz says. "When we I1 was a powerful reminder to her of the diverse directions life can take. The 1998 film stars Gwyneth Paltrow and plays with the classic "what if?" question, exploring the alternative path Paltrow's character would have taken if she had made a different last-minute decision. If that film opened the door for a new future for Wolz, the classic baseball film "Field of Dreams" propelled her to act on it 'Field of Dreams' reminded me that it's really important to follow your inner guidance, as opposed to your fears. It gave me encouragement to pursue my dreams," admits the German native, who DAM MATINEES ANOTHER MY (PG13).

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The Billings Gazette from Billings, Montana (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

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Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.